Monday, March 3, 2014


I'm currently in Chantiburi, Thailand, having made it here after a week in Manila. My stay in Manila was very VIP, thanks to getting the proper tour from my friend Chiqui. I met loads of awesome people and have great new friends from Manila and around the world. I even got to catch up with Erin and Jon from my time with All Hands, which was great. Most importantly, I met the Philippines most famous model at the bar El Chupacabra.

After flying to Bangkok, I was tired of cities and ready to see some place else. For just over a dollar I got a space on a train to a town right next to the Cambodian border, Aranprathet. The train was packed, and I was tired from all the stress of traveling. Unfortunately, like many border towns Aranprathet wasn't that exciting, so after two days I worked my way to Chantaburi.

Tomorrow I will make my way to a Vipassana course close by where I will really dive into the traditions of meditation. In this course, you are not allowed to speak for ten days, a real introduction to the technique...I can't wait! Time for a little clearing of the mind in preparation for the adventures to come. After that---who knows!


  1. Yo Ryan, it's Michael! Just re-discovered your blog. You're a madman! I gotta get out of this fucking country and travel too. Back to the basics with a backpack and a fiddle, just like old times---classic! As soon as I'm done with all of this college nonsense, we'll have to do some roaming, bag some peaks, rule the world. Best of luck becoming a monk, and with your travels. I freaking miss you dude. Peace.

    1. In time we will my friend! How can I best reach you these days? Peace out!
