Wednesday, February 6, 2019


Between 2016 and 2018 I made 3 trips to Venezuela, spending many months there in the heat of the crisis. The Venezuelan people took me in as family, despite me coming from the supposed "enemy", the US empire.
Venezuela poses absolutely no threat to the USA or any other country, so any invasion by a US coalition would be a war of aggression - violating international law. It does sit on the world's largest oil reserve so I think it is clear why the war hawk Republicans and Democrats are salivating at the thought of another war. Venezuela was on Dick Cheney's list of countries to topple back in 2001 and now Trump is eager to realize his "vision".
Let the Venezuelan people decide the fate of their own country. Ask yourself what country was better off after US intervention? Syria? Iraq? Afganistan? Honduras? Chile? Libya? Yemen?
Hands off Venezuela!

Here I am with two of the "dangerous" Venezuelans....

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